A todos nos gustan los momentos únicos. Este fin de semana viajaremos al Pirineo catalán a ser testigos del nacimiento de un potro. ¿La excusa? El rodaje de la etapa final de un proyecto multiplataforma que tiene como protagonistas a los caballos que pasan el verano en las montañas. Entre el vídeo-arte y el documental, esta aventura busca contar su ciclo de vida desde un punto de vista onírico, donde la naturaleza hace la mayor parte del trabajo.
Everyone loves the unique moments. This weekend we will travel to the catalan Pyrenees to witness the birth of a foal. The excuse? Filming the final stage of a multi-platform project starring horses who spend the summer in mountains. Between video art and documentary, this adventure aims to tell the story of its life cycle for a dreamy point of view, in which nature does most of the work.
Everyone loves the unique moments. This weekend we will travel to the catalan Pyrenees to witness the birth of a foal. The excuse? Filming the final stage of a multi-platform project starring horses who spend the summer in mountains. Between video art and documentary, this adventure aims to tell the story of its life cycle for a dreamy point of view, in which nature does most of the work.
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